Feasting for Change - Fruit Tree Project

Feasting for Change - Fruit Tree Project

$8K Total Donation (2020 $2.5K, 2021 $3K, 2022 $2.5K)

Ffc Picking Fruit

Reducing human-bear conflict and educational outreach is an important and ongoing issue.  The Feasting for Change (FFC) Fruit Tree Project (FTP) has had a substantial impact in the reduction of human-bear conflict while increasing food security in our community.Blueberries

The FFC program coordinates volunteers, provides community benefits and disseminates messaging. These activities will be vitally important moving forward, particularly as grizzly populations recover. 

WildSafe BC and Conservation Officers continue to support the FFC-FTP noting the significant reduction in calls related to human-bear conflict since starting the project.

FFC-FTP faced weather and climate-related challenges in 2022. The cold weather in July delayed fruit ripening and decreased the amount of fruit that was produced. These changes are documented in the project harvest data and were also brought to the attention of Stewardship Pemberton by local farmers and other community members. One community member shared that bears had eaten all the fruit off the trees on their property before it was ripe; which is the first time this has happened since moving to their property five years ago!

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The Results?

2022 Fruit Tree Project by the Numbers

A report from Stewardship Pemberton


32 trees or grape vines harvested   (44 2021, 34 2020, 20 2019)
14 acres of blueberries (2020, 2021 & 2022)


83 volunteer occurrences & 222.5 volunteer hours donated to the Pemberton Fruit Tree Project!

Total lbs of fruit harvested

(4,027lbs 2021, 3,364lbs 2020, 2,155lbs 2019)

Total lbs of fruit donated

(2,299lbs 2021, 1,832lbs 2020 & 1,304 lbs 2019)

The 2022 Pemberton Fruit Tree Projects has been an incredible success due, in part, to the generous support of the Pemberton Wildlife Association!

There was a significant reduction in human/wildlife conflicts within the VOP during 2020. The Black Bear reports numbered 41 vs. 121 from last year. The reduction in conflicts is due in part to the Feasting for Change fruit gleaning program, a very important and successful program that I fully support.  Thank you to the PWA for helping fund this program!

Brittany Mueller, Conservation Officer, Sea to Sky Zone -Whistler

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