A PWA member reported damage to vegetation on the southeast shoreline of Tenquille Lake on August 26th. The damage was caused by an unknown group of horsemen in the weeks prior to August 26th. The Sea to Sky Recreation Officer has posted signs indicating that horses must not be brought near the lake – in order to prevent the type of damage that has now occurred.
A crude alternate horse trail has also been constructed from the southeast which we assume comes off the Tenquille Creek trail. If anyone witnessed the horsemen at Tenquille Lake this summer we would appreciate you forwarding any information which you may have. Photos would be especially helpful. Please solicit information from your friends and social media contacts to help find those responsible for this incident.
Any future encounters with horses at Tenquille Lake should be reported immediately to secretary@pembertonwildlifeassociation.com . We’ll forward the information to the appropriate authorities – in our ongoing effort to protect the flora and fauna of the Tenquille Lake area.
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